(constant) API_URL :string
The URL of the Firebase Realtime Database.
- string
- Source:
(constant) TIMEOUT :number
Timeout in milliseconds that is used for how long the warning in the form
validation is shown.
- number
- Source:
currentTarget :HTMLElement|null
The current target element being interacted with, used to determine
whether to highlight a drag area or not.
- HTMLElement | null
- Source:
(constant) currentUser :Object
The current user object, used to store the user's
information and keep track of their login status.
- Object
currentlyDraggedElement :number
Reference to the currently dragged element.
- number
- Source:
currentlyOpenMenu :HTMLDivElement|null
A reference to the currently open menu, if any.
- HTMLDivElement | null
(constant) firebaseConfig :FirebaseConfig
The Firebase Realtime Database configuration.
- Source:
globalContacts :Array.<Object>
The array of contacts.
- Array.<Object>
- Source:
globalState :string
The global state of the app.
- string
- Source:
globalTodos :Array.<Object>
The array of todos.
- Array.<Object>
- Source:
isCategoryDropdownOpen :boolean
Whether the category dropdown is currently open.
- boolean
- Source:
isContactDropdownOpen :boolean
Whether the contact dropdown is currently open.
- boolean
- Source:
priority :string
The current priority of the task being added.
- string
- Source:
(constant) profileColors :Array.<string>
An array of colors that can be used to color user profiles.
- Array.<string>
- Source:
searchTodoRef :HTMLInputElement
Reference to the search task input element.
- HTMLInputElement
- Source:
selectedOptions :Array.<string>
Array of selected options in the contact dropdown.
- Array.<string>
- Source:
subTasks :Object.<string, {title: string, completed: boolean}>
Object containing subtasks. Each key is a subtask id and each value
is an object containing the subtask title and completed status.
- Object.<string, {title: string, completed: boolean}>
- Source:
(constant) textContent
Shows a toast message based on the operation type and the response.
- Source:
(constant) todoStates :Object
An object representing the different states a task can be in.
- Object
Name | Type | Description |
todo |
string | Represents tasks that are to be done. |
progress |
string | Represents tasks that are in progress. |
feedback |
string | Represents tasks awaiting feedback. |
done |
string | Represents tasks that are completed. |
- Source:
addBadge(contactId, contactInitials, badgeColor)
Adds a badge to the selected-badges container for the given contact ID and
initials. The badge is colored with the given color.
Name | Type | Description |
contactId |
string | The ID of the contact to add a badge for. |
contactInitials |
string | The initials of the contact to add a badge for. |
badgeColor |
string | The color of the badge to add. |
Highlights the drag area element identified by the given elementId by adding
the "drag-area" class to it. Also toggles the placeholder element for the
given elementId. If the element is already highlighted or does not exist,
the function does nothing.
Name | Type | Description |
elementId |
string | The id of the drag area element to highlight. |
Makes the hollow rag area placeholder within the specified column
visible by removing the "d_none" class from it.
Name | Type | Description |
elementId |
string | The ID of the column element in which to show the hollow placeholder. |
addMobileMenu(index, todo) → {void}
Adds a dropdown menu to the bottom of the card for switching between todo states
on mobile devices. The menu shows all states except for the current one.
Name | Type | Description |
index |
number | The index of the todo in `globalTodos`. |
todo |
Todo | The todo object to be rendered. |
- Source:
- Type
- void
Adds a new subtask to the subtask list if the input field contains text.
Generates a unique subtask ID, creates a new subtask list item, appends it
to the subtask list, and updates the global subTasks object with the new subtask.
Clears the input field and checks the need for scrollbar adjustments.
- Source:
Adjusts the display of the contact list and main container based on the selected contact
and screen size.
Name | Type | Description |
contact |
Object | The currently selected contact. |
- Source:
adjustNavbarForMobile() → {void}
Adjusts the navbar based on the window width.
- Source:
- Type
- void
adjustNavbarForMobile() → {void}
Adjusts the navbar based on the window width.
- Source:
- Type
- void
Allows an element to be dropped by preventing the default behavior.
This function is used as an event handler for the `ondragover` event,
enabling drag-and-drop functionality on an element.
Name | Type | Description |
event |
Event | The dragover event object. |
Applies the given animation to the modal content element.
Name | Type | Description |
animationType |
string | The type of animation to apply. |
- Source:
Applies the given animation to the modal content element. The animation is
applied by setting the animation CSS property on the element.
Name | Type | Description |
animationType |
string | The type of animation to apply. |
- Source:
applyAnimationToContactView(animationType, element, callback)
Applies an animation to the contact view element.
Name | Type | Description |
animationType |
string | The type of animation to apply. |
element |
HTMLElement | The element to which the animation will be applied. |
callback |
function | A callback function to execute after the animation ends. |
- Source:
Applies the given animation to the big card modal content element.
Name | Type | Description |
animationType |
string | The type of animation to apply. |
- Source:
arrayToObject(arr) → {Object}
Converts an array of objects back to an object, using the 'createdAt' property as the key.
Name | Type | Description |
arr |
Array.<Object> | The input array to convert to an object. |
- Source:
An object where each key is the 'createdAt' value of the corresponding item in the array.
- Type
- Object
changeVisibilityIcon() → {void}
Changes the type of the login password field between "password" and "text" based
on the current type. If the type is "password", it changes to "text" and changes
the visibility icon to be a visibility icon. If the type is "text", it changes to
"password" and changes the visibility icon to be a non-visibility icon.
- Type
- void
checkAndLoadUserCredentialsFromLocalStorage() → {Object}
Checks and loads user credentials from local storage if the "Remember Me" option was selected.
Updates the "Remember Me" icon to indicate the selection status.
- Source:
An object containing the email and password if credentials are found and the
"Remember Me" option is enabled; otherwise, returns an object with empty strings for email and password.
- Type
- Object
Checks if the "Remember Me" option is selected and saves the user credentials
to local storage if it is. The credentials are retrieved from the login form,
and an additional "isRememberMe" flag is added to indicate the selection status.
- Source:
Checks if the user is logged in and authorized to access the current route.
If the user is logged in, it redirects to the summary page if the current route is the homepage.
If the user is not logged in and the current route is protected, it redirects to the login page.
(async) checkIfDuplicate(email, phone, contacts) → {Promise.<boolean>}
Checks if a contact with the same email or phone number already exists in the contacts list.
Name | Type | Description |
email |
string | The email to check for duplicates. |
phone |
string | The phone number to check for duplicates. |
contacts |
Array.<Object> | The array of contact objects to check against. |
- Source:
A promise that resolves to true if a duplicate contact is found, otherwise false.
- Type
- Promise.<boolean>
checkScrollbar() → {void}
Checks for overflow on specific elements and adjusts padding and margin to account for scrollbars.
Adds padding to the subtask list if it has a vertical scrollbar and adjusts the padding and margin
of specified form containers.
- Source:
- Type
- void
clearBoardColumns() → {void}
Clears all task cards from all columns on the board.
This function is called whenever the user searches for a task, in order to clear the
board and then render only the found tasks.
- Type
- void
clearDueDate(dueDateElement, deadlineTextElement)
Clears the due date display and resets the label text.
Name | Type | Description |
dueDateElement |
HTMLElement | The DOM element for displaying the due date. |
deadlineTextElement |
HTMLElement | The DOM element for displaying the label text. |
- Source:
Clears the error messages displayed in the sign-up form by setting the textContent
of the elements with ids "nameError", "emailError", "passwordError", and
"passwordDoubleError" to an empty string.
- Source:
clearForm() → {void}
Clears all the input fields in the add task form and resets all the
selected state, including the category, priority, contacts, and subtasks.
- Source:
- Type
- void
clearInputFields() → {void}
Clears the input fields of the add-task form by setting the value of the
specified elements to an empty string.
- Source:
- Type
- void
clearSubtaskInput() → {void}
Clears the input field of the subtask list and triggers an input event on
it, so that the UI is updated correctly.
This function is called when the user adds a subtask, to clear the input
field and be ready for the next subtask.
- Source:
- Type
- void
clearWarnings() → {void}
Clears all warning messages displayed in the form by selecting elements
with the class "warning-text" and removing them from the DOM.
- Source:
- Type
- void
Closes the add task modal and removes it from the DOM. It also removes
the scripts required for the modal and re-enables body scrolling.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
event |
Event |
<optional> |
The event that triggered the modal to close. |
- Source:
Closes the contact modal, removing it from the DOM.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
event |
Event |
<optional> |
Optional event. |
- Source:
closeEditMenu(event) → {void}
Closes the contact edit menu when clicked outside of it.
Name | Type | Description |
event |
Event | The event object from the click event. |
- Source:
- Type
- void
countTodos(todos, state) → {number}
Counts the number of todos in a specific state.
Name | Type | Description |
todos |
Array | An array of todo objects. |
state |
string | The state of the todos to count (e.g., "todo", "done"). |
- Source:
The count of todos in the specified state.
- Type
- number
countUrgentTodos(todos) → {number}
Counts the number of urgent todos that are not marked as done.
Name | Type | Description |
todos |
Array | An array of todo objects. |
- Source:
The count of urgent todos (high priority) that are not done.
- Type
- number
createAssignedMemberElement(contact, index, totalMembers) → {HTMLElement|string}
Creates an HTML element representing an assigned member badge.
Name | Type | Description |
contact |
Object | The contact object containing information about the assigned member. |
index |
number | The index of the member in the assigned members list. |
totalMembers |
number | The total number of assigned members. |
- Source:
The HTML element representing the member badge or an empty string if the index is greater than 3.
- Type
- HTMLElement | string
(async) createContact() → {Promise.<void>}
Creates a new contact with the form data and adds it to the Firebase Realtime
Database. The function first retrieves the form data, validates it, and
creates a new contact object by spreading the form data and adding the current
timestamp for createdAt. The function then calls putDataInFirebase to add the
contact to the database and shows a toast message with the status of the
operation. Finally, the function closes the contact modal, renders the
contacts page and selects the latest created contact.
- Source:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
(async) createContactInDatabase(newContact, user) → {Promise.<(Response|Error)>}
Puts new contact data into the Firebase Realtime Database.
Name | Type | Description |
newContact |
Object | The new contact data to be added. |
user |
string | The user to add the contact for. |
- Source:
A promise that resolves with the response from the Firebase Database if successful, or rejects with an error if there is a HTTP error.
- Type
- Promise.<(Response|Error)>
createSubtaskListItem(subtaskText, subtaskId) → {HTMLLIElement}
Creates a new subtask list item with the given subtask text and ID.
The list item is given a double click event listener that calls the editSubtask function.
Name | Type | Description |
subtaskText |
string | The text of the subtask. |
subtaskId |
string | The ID of the subtask. |
- Source:
- The created subtask list item.
- Type
- HTMLLIElement
(async) createTodo() → {Promise.<void>}
Creates a new todo item with the values from the add-task form and adds it to the
globalTodos object. After creating the todo item, it updates the Firebase Realtime
Database and clears the form.
- Source:
- A promise that resolves when the todo item is created and
the data is updated in the Firebase Realtime Database.
- Type
- Promise.<void>
(async) createUserInFirebaseDatabase(newUser) → {Promise.<(Response|Error)>}
Creates a new user in the Firebase Realtime Database.
Name | Type | Description |
newUser |
Object | The new user data to be added. |
- Source:
A promise that resolves with the response from the Firebase Database if successful, or rejects with an error if there is a HTTP error.
- Type
- Promise.<(Response|Error)>
(async) deleteContact() → {Promise.<void>}
Deletes the contact with the id specified in the data-created-at attribute of the
#createdAt element from the Firebase Realtime Database. If the deletion is successful,
the contact view is removed and the contacts page is re-rendered.
- Source:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
(async) deleteContactFromAssignedMembers(contact) → {Promise.<void>}
Deletes the given contact from the assigned members of all todos in the globalTodos array
and patches the updated todos object in the Firebase Realtime Database.
Name | Type | Description |
contact |
Object | The contact to be deleted. |
- Source:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
(async) deleteContactFromDatabase(user, contactID) → {Promise.<Response>}
Deletes the contact with the given contactID from the Firebase Realtime Database.
Name | Type | Description |
user |
string | The user whose contact is to be deleted. |
contactID |
string | The ID of the contact to be deleted. |
- Source:
A promise that resolves with the response from the Firebase Database if successful, or rejects with an error if there is a HTTP error.
- Type
- Promise.<Response>
(async) deleteTaskCard(index) → {Promise.<void>}
Deletes a task card from the board and updates the UI.
This function deletes a task card at the specified index from the global todos array,
closes the task card modal, clears all columns on the board, and re-renders
the remaining todos and placeholder elements.
Name | Type | Description |
index |
number | The index of the task card to be deleted. |
- Source:
- A promise that resolves when the deletion and UI update are complete.
- Type
- Promise.<void>
(async) deleteTodo(index) → {Promise.<void>}
Deletes the todo at the specified index from the global todos array and
from the Firebase Realtime Database. If the deletion is successful, a
toast message is shown. Otherwise, an error is logged to the console.
Name | Type | Description |
index |
number | The index of the todo to be deleted. |
- Source:
- A promise that resolves when the deletion is complete.
- Type
- Promise.<void>
(async) deleteTodosInFirebase(user, todoID) → {Promise.<(Response|Error)>}
Deletes the todo with the given todoID from the Firebase Realtime Database.
Name | Type | Description |
user |
string | The user whose todo is to be deleted. |
todoID |
string | The ID of the todo to be deleted. |
- Source:
A promise that resolves with the response from the Firebase Database if successful, or rejects with an error if there is a HTTP error.
- Type
- Promise.<(Response|Error)>
Deselects the currently selected contact and clears the contact view.
Name | Type | Description |
contactViewElement |
HTMLElement | The element displaying the contact view. |
- Source:
displayContactView(contactViewElement, initials, contact)
Displays the contact view with the selected contact's information.
Name | Type | Description |
contactViewElement |
HTMLElement | The element displaying the contact view. |
initials |
string | The initials of the contact. |
contact |
Object | The contact object containing contact information. |
- Source:
editSubtask(iconElement) → {void}
Starts an edit session on a subtask list item. The function is called when
the user double clicks on the text of a subtask list item. The function
creates a new text input element, sets its value to the current subtask text
and replaces the current subtask text element with the new input element.
The function also updates the icon container of the subtask list item to
include "accept" and "delete" icons.
Name | Type | Description |
iconElement |
HTMLElement | The element that was double clicked to start the edit session. This element should be the "edit" icon of a subtask list item. |
- Source:
- Type
- void
(async) fetchData(url) → {Promise.<Object>}
Fetches data from the given URL and returns it as JSON.
Name | Type | Description |
url |
string | The URL to fetch from. |
- Source:
If the URL is invalid or the response from the server was not OK.
- Type
- Error
A promise that resolves with the data from the URL as JSON.
- Type
- Promise.<Object>
Fills in the login form with the provided credentials.
Name | Type | Description | |||||||||
credentials |
Object | The object containing the email and password
to fill in the form with.
- Source:
filterContactOptions() → {void}
Filters the contact dropdown options based on the search input value and
re-renders the dropdown with the filtered options.
- Type
- void
findEarliestDeadline(todos) → {Object}
Finds the earliest deadline among urgent todos that are not marked as done.
Name | Type | Description |
todos |
Array | An array of todo objects. |
- Source:
An object containing the earliest deadline as a Date object.
- Type
- Object
findKeyByCreatedAt(obj, createdAt) → {string|undefined}
Finds the key in an object whose associated value has a specific 'createdAt' property value.
Name | Type | Description |
obj |
Object | The input object to search through. |
createdAt |
string | number | The 'createdAt' value to match against the object's values. |
- Source:
The key in the object whose value has the matching 'createdAt' value, or undefined if not found.
- Type
- string | undefined
Sets focus on the subtask input field, allowing the user to immediately start typing.
This function assumes that an element with the ID "subtasks" exists in the DOM.
- Source:
formatDueDate(dueDate) → {string}
Converts a given date string to a human-readable string in the default
locale format.
Name | Type | Description |
dueDate |
string | The date string to be formatted. |
The formatted date string.
- Type
- string
generateContactListHtml(contacts, assignedMembers, filter) → {string}
Given an array of contacts, an array of assigned members, and a filter string, returns an HTML string
representing the contact list.
Name | Type | Description |
contacts |
Array.<Object> | An array of contact objects. |
assignedMembers |
Array.<string> | An array of strings representing the names of assigned members. |
filter |
string | A string to filter the contacts by. |
An HTML string representing the contact list.
- Type
- string
getAddTaskModalTemplate() → {string}
Returns the template for the add task modal.
The template includes a .modal-overlay with a .modal-content element inside.
The .modal-content has a close button as its first child.
The html template for the add task modal.
- Type
- string
getAddTaskTemplate() → {String}
Returns the HTML template for the add task form.
The add task form template.
- Type
- String
getAssignedMemberColor(assignedMemberName) → {string|undefined}
Returns the color of the assigned member specified by the given name.
Name | Type | Description |
assignedMemberName |
string | The name of the assigned member. |
The color of the assigned member or undefined if no contact with the given name is found.
- Type
- string | undefined
getAssignedMembersNames() → {Array.<string>}
Retrieves the names of the assigned members based on the selected options.
An array of names of the assigned members.
- Type
- Array.<string>
getBoardColumns() → {Object}
Retrieves the column elements from the DOM by their IDs and returns them as an object.
Name | Type | Description |
todoColumn |
HTMLElement | The todo column element. |
progressColumn |
HTMLElement | The progress column element. |
feedbackColumn |
HTMLElement | The feedback column element. |
doneColumn |
HTMLElement | The done column element. |
- Source:
An object containing references to the todo, progress, feedback, and done column elements.
- Type
- Object
getBoardColumnsFromDOM() → {void}
Retrieves the column elements from the DOM and assigns them to the corresponding variables.
The todo, progress, feedback, and done column elements are obtained using their respective IDs.
- Type
- void
(async) getContactIdByCreatedAt(createdAt, user) → {Promise.<(string|undefined)>}
Given the 'createdAt' property of a contact and a user, returns the
id of the contact in the Firebase Realtime Database.
Name | Type | Description |
createdAt |
string | number | The 'createdAt' property of the contact. |
user |
string | The user whose contacts are to be searched. |
- Source:
A promise that resolves with the
id of the contact if found, or undefined if not found.
- Type
- Promise.<(string|undefined)>
getContactModalTemplate(type, fullName, email, phone, initials, color) → {string}
Given the type, full name, email, phone, initials, and color of a contact, returns an
HTML string representing a single contact modal in the contact list.
Name | Type | Description |
type |
string | The type of the contact modal, either "add" or "edit". |
fullName |
string | The full name of the contact. |
email |
string | The email of the contact. |
phone |
string | The phone of the contact. |
initials |
string | The initials of the contact. |
color |
string | The color of the contact's avatar. |
An HTML string representing the contact modal.
- Type
- string
getContactSectionTemplate(letter, contactElements) → {string}
Given the letter and an array of contact elements, returns an HTML string
representing a contact list section.
Name | Type | Description |
letter |
string | The letter of the contact list section. |
contactElements |
Array.<string> | An array of HTML strings representing the contact elements. |
An HTML string representing the contact list section.
- Type
- string
getContactTemplate(index, initials, color, fullName, email) → {string}
Given the index, initials, color, full name, and email of a contact, returns an
HTML string representing a single contact item in the contact list.
Name | Type | Description |
index |
number | The index of the contact in the array of contacts. |
initials |
string | The initials of the contact. |
color |
string | The color of the contact's avatar. |
fullName |
string | The full name of the contact. |
email |
string | The email of the contact. |
An HTML string representing the contact item.
- Type
- string
getContactViewTemplate(initials, contactInfo) → {string}
Given the initials, color, name, email, and phone of a contact, returns an
HTML string representing a single contact card in the contact view.
Name | Type | Description |
initials |
string | The initials of the contact. |
contactInfo |
Object | - An object containing the color, name, email, and phone of the contact. |
An HTML string representing the contact card.
- Type
- string
(async) getContactsFromData(user) → {Promise.<void>}
Fetches the contacts from the given user from the Firebase Realtime Database.
Name | Type | Description |
user |
string | The user whose contacts are to be retrieved. |
- Source:
- A promise that resolves when the data has been fetched and the contacts array has been set.
- Type
- Promise.<void>
getCredentialsFromForm() → {Object}
Retrieves the user's email and password input values from the login form.
The values are trimmed of any leading or trailing whitespace.
- Source:
An object containing the email and password.
- Type
- Object
(async) getDataFromFirebase() → {Promise.<(Object|undefined)>}
Retrieves the entire data object from the Firebase Realtime Database.
- Source:
A promise that resolves with the data
object from the Firebase Realtime Database, or undefined if no data is found.
- Type
- Promise.<(Object|undefined)>
getDoneAmount(subTasks) → {number}
Counts the number of tasks that are marked as done in the given subTasks array.
Name | Type | Description |
subTasks |
Array.<Object> | The array of subTasks to count done tasks from. |
- Source:
The number of tasks that are marked as done.
- Type
- number
getDragAreaHollowPlaceholder() → {string}
Returns an HTML string representing a hollow drag area placeholder, used to
indicate a place where a task card can be dragged to.
An HTML string representing the hollow drag area placeholder.
- Type
- string
getFormData() → {Object}
Gets the form data from the contact form.
- Source:
An object with the form data: {name: string, email: string, phone: string}.
- Type
- Object
getFormData(urgentElementId, mediumElementId, lowElementId, titleId, descriptionId, dueDateId) → {Object}
Collects the values of the various form elements and returns an object containing
the task title, description, due date, priority and assigned members.
Name | Type | Description |
urgentElementId |
string | The ID of the element representing the urgent priority. |
mediumElementId |
string | The ID of the element representing the medium priority. |
lowElementId |
string | The ID of the element representing the low priority. |
titleId |
string | The ID of the title input element. |
descriptionId |
string | The ID of the description textarea element. |
dueDateId |
string | The ID of the due date input element. |
An object containing the task title, description, due date, priority and assigned members.
- Type
- Object
getFormValues() → {Array.<string>}
Retrieves the values of the sign-up form fields and returns them in an array.
The array contains the name, email, password, and confirm password values in
that order. The values are retrieved from the DOM using the ids of the input
fields and trimmed of any whitespace.
- Source:
The values of the sign-up form fields.
- Type
- Array.<string>
getHeaderTemplate() → {string}
Returns an HTML template for the header component.
The HTML template.
- Type
- string
getInitialsFromContact(contact) → {string}
Given a contact object, returns the contact's initials as a string. The
initials are determined by taking the first character of the first name and
the first character of the last name. If either the first or last name is not
present, the corresponding initial is an empty string.
Name | Type | Description |
contact |
object | Contact object with a `name` property. |
- Source:
The contact's initials as a string.
- Type
- string
(async) getLatestCreatedContact(user) → {Promise.<(Object|undefined)>}
Retrieves the latest created contact for a specified user from Firebase.
Name | Type | Description |
user |
string | The user whose contacts are to be retrieved. |
- Source:
A promise that resolves with the latest created contact
object or undefined if no contacts are found.
- Type
- Promise.<(Object|undefined)>
getNavbarTemplate(currentPage) → {string}
Returns an HTML template for the navbar.
Name | Type | Description |
currentPage |
string | The currently active page. |
The HTML template.
- Type
- string
getNewDescriptionValue(todoDescriptionElementID) → {string}
Retrieves the new description value from the description textarea field.
Name | Type | Description |
todoDescriptionElementID |
string | The ID of the textarea field containing the new description. |
The value of the textarea field with the given ID, representing the new description of the todo.
- Type
- string
getNewDueDateValue(duoDateElementID) → {string}
Retrieves the new due date value from the due date input field.
Name | Type | Description |
duoDateElementID |
string | The ID of the input field containing the new due date. |
The value of the input field with the given ID, representing the new due date of the todo.
- Type
- string
getNewTitleValue(todoTitelID) → {string}
Retrieves the new title value from the title input field.
Name | Type | Description |
todoTitelID |
string | The ID of the input field containing the new title. |
The value of the input field with the given ID, representing the new title of the todo.
- Type
- string
getObjectLength(obj) → {number}
Returns the number of key-value pairs in the given object.
Name | Type | Description |
obj |
Object | The input object to get the length from. |
- Source:
The number of key-value pairs in the object.
- Type
- number
getPlaceholderText(columnElement) → {string}
Returns a placeholder text for a given column element.
Name | Type | Description | ||||||
columnElement |
Object | A column element from the board.
The placeholder text for the column.
- Type
- string
getProgressValueFromSubTasks(subTasks) → {number}
Calculates the progress value in percent from the given subTasks.
The progress value is determined by the number of done subtasks divided by the total number of subtasks.
Name | Type | Description |
subTasks |
- Source:
The progress value in percent.
- Type
- number
getSelectedPriorityValue(urgentElementID, mediumElementID, lowElementID) → {string|null}
Given the element IDs of the urgent, medium and low priority elements, returns
the string value of the currently selected priority.
Name | Type | Description |
urgentElementID |
string | The ID of the element representing the urgent priority. |
mediumElementID |
string | The ID of the element representing the medium priority. |
lowElementID |
string | The ID of the element representing the low priority. |
The string value of the currently selected priority, or null if none is selected.
- Type
- string | null
getSubtaskListItemTemplate(subtaskText) → {string}
Returns a string of HTML for a subtask list item with the given subtask text.
The returned HTML will be a span element with the subtask text and a div
element with the "edit" and "delete" icons.
Name | Type | Description |
subtaskText |
string | The text of the subtask. |
- The HTML string for the subtask list item.
- Type
- string
getSubtasksText(subTasks) → {string}
Generates a string that describes the number of done subtasks out of the total number of subtasks.
Name | Type | Description |
subTasks |
- Source:
The string that describes the number of done subtasks out of the total number of subtasks.
- Type
- string
getTaskCardBigEditTemplate(todo, index) → {string}
Returns the HTML template for the big card in edit mode.
Name | Type | Description |
todo |
Todo | The todo that is being edited. |
index |
number | The index of the todo in the todo list. |
The HTML template for the big card in edit mode.
- Type
- string
getTaskCardBigTemplate(todo, index) → {string}
Returns the HTML string for a big task card with the given parameters.
The returned HTML will be a div with the class "big-card-modal" and the given index as its ID.
It will have a header with the category and title, a body with the description, assigned members, and a list of subtasks, and a footer with a delete and edit button.
Name | Type | Description |
todo |
object | The task object from the global todos array. |
index |
number | The index of the task card in the global todos array. |
- The HTML string for the big task card.
- Type
- string
getTaskCardSmallTemplate(index, task) → {string}
Returns a string of HTML for a small task card with the given parameters.
The returned HTML will be a div with the class "task-card-small" and the given index as its ID.
It will have a header with the category, a body with the title, description, and a progress bar
if there are subtasks, and a footer with the assigned members and a priority icon.
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||||||
index |
number | The index of the task card in the global todos array. | ||||||||||||||||||
task |
object | The task object from the global todos array.
- The HTML string for the small task card.
- Type
- string
getToastMessageTemplate(text) → {string}
Returns an HTML string representing a toast message box, given a text.
Name | Type | Description |
text |
string | The text to be displayed in the toast message box. |
An HTML string representing the toast message box.
- Type
- string
(async) getTodosFromData(user) → {Promise.<void>}
Fetches the todos from the given user from the Firebase Realtime Database.
Name | Type | Description |
user |
string | The user whose todos are to be retrieved. |
- Source:
- A promise that resolves when the data has been fetched and the todos array has been set.
- Type
- Promise.<void>
(async) getUserFromFirebaseDatabase(credentials) → {Promise.<Object>}
Retrieves a user from the Firebase Realtime Database using the provided credentials.
Name | Type | Description | |||||||||
credentials |
Object | The user's credentials.
- Source:
A promise that resolves with an object containing the status of the operation,
an ok flag indicating success or failure, and either the user's data or an error message.
- Type
- Promise.<Object>
goBack() → {void}
Goes back to the previous page in the browser's history or closes the current tab if the user is not logged in and the history is empty.
- Source:
- Type
- void
groupContactsByLetter() → {Object.<string, Array.<Object>>}
Returns an object where the keys are the first letters of the contacts' names
and the values are arrays of contacts whose name starts with the key.
- Source:
- Type
- Object.<string, Array.<Object>>
handleDragEvents() → {void}
Attaches event listeners to each todo item to set its cursor style based on whether the left mouse button is being
pressed or not. This is necessary because the CSS `:active` pseudo-class does not work when the element is being
- Type
- void
(async) handleLogin(isGuest)
Handles the login process, given a boolean indicating whether a guest login should be performed.
If the isGuest flag is true, the function will use the demo user credentials for the login.
Otherwise, it will obtain the user credentials from the login form.
The function will first validate the input data, and if the data is invalid, it will return.
If the data is valid, the function will attempt to retrieve the user from the Firebase Realtime Database.
Depending on the result of the operation, the function will update the UI accordingly.
If the operation is successful, the function will save the current user to local storage and
redirect the user to the main page after one second.
Name | Type | Description |
isGuest |
boolean | Whether to perform a guest login or not. |
- Source:
handlePrioChange(event) → {void}
Handles a click event on a priority button by removing the active class
from all other priority buttons and setting the active class on the
clicked button. It also updates the global priority variable.
Name | Type | Description |
event |
MouseEvent | The event object of the click event. |
- Source:
- Type
- void
Handles changes in the route by executing the appropriate function
for the current path. If no matching route is found, it redirects
the user to the homepage if authorized.
(async) handleSaveClick(event) → {Promise.<void>}
Handles the save button click in the contact modal.
If the button says "Save", it will update a contact. It will find the contact
to update based on the data-created-at attribute of the #createdAt element.
If the button says "Add", it will create a contact.
Name | Type | Description |
event |
Event | The save button click event. |
- Source:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Handles the situation when the referrer is the signup page.
Sets the final position of the logo and hides the overlay.
- Source:
This function returns an SVG element representing a high priority icon.
- Source:
(async) init() → {Promise.<void>}
Initializes the page by loading components and rendering the contact dropdown.
- Source:
A promise that resolves when the page has been initialized.
- Type
- Promise.<void>
(async) init() → {Promise.<void>}
Initializes the board page by loading necessary components,
retrieving board columns from the DOM, fetching contacts and todos
from the Firebase database, and loading demo data.
- Source:
A promise that resolves when the initialization is complete.
- Type
- Promise.<void>
(async) init() → {Promise.<void>}
Initializes the page by loading the necessary components and rendering
the contact list.
- Source:
A promise that resolves when the page has been
- Type
- Promise.<void>
init() → {void}
Initializes the page by loading the necessary components.
- Source:
- Type
- void
init() → {void}
Initializes the page by loading the necessary components.
- Source:
- Type
- void
(async) init()
Initializes the login page by triggering the logo animation,
checking for stored user credentials, and filling the login
form with those credentials if available.
- Source:
init() → {void}
Initializes the page by loading the necessary components.
- Source:
- Type
- void
(async) init() → {Promise.<void>}
Initializes the page by loading the necessary components and rendering
the contact list.
- Source:
A promise that resolves when the page has been
- Type
- Promise.<void>
initRender() → {void}
Initializes the rendering of the board page by rendering all todos
and placeholder elements. This function is called once, when the page
is loaded.
- Source:
- Type
- void
initializeBadges() → {void}
Initializes the badges for the contact dropdown options by iterating through
each option. If the option is checked, it adds a badge to the selected-badges
container with the contact's initials and color, and marks the option as selected.
This function ensures that the UI correctly reflects the current selection
state of the contacts when the dropdown is opened.
- Type
- void
Initializes the current user object by loading it from
local storage and saving it back to local storage if it
does not exist.
isDueOrOverdue(index) → {boolean|undefined}
Determines if the due date of a todo item is today or earlier, excluding completed tasks.
Name | Type | Description |
index |
number | The index of the todo item in the globalTodos array. |
Returns true if the due date is today or earlier, false otherwise.
Returns undefined if the task is completed.
- Type
- boolean | undefined
isSignupReferrer() → {boolean}
Checks if the document referrer is the signup page.
- Source:
True if the referrer includes "signup.html", false otherwise.
- Type
- boolean
loadComponents() → {void}
Loads all necessary components into the page.
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadComponents() → {void}
Loads all necessary components into the page.
Currently, this function only loads the header and navbar components.
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadComponents() → {void}
Loads all necessary components into the page.
Currently, this function only loads the header and navbar components.
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadComponents() → {void}
Loads all necessary components into the page.
Currently, this function only loads the header and navbar components.
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadComponents() → {void}
Loads all necessary components into the page.
Currently, this function only loads the header and navbar components.
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadComponents() → {void}
Loads all necessary components into the page.
Currently, this function only loads the header and navbar components.
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadComponents() → {void}
Loads all necessary components into the page.
Currently, this function only loads the header and navbar components.
- Source:
- Type
- void
Loads the current user from local storage and updates the global user object.
If no user is found, the global user object remains unchanged.
loadHeader() → {void}
Loads the header component into the element with the id "header".
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadHeader() → {void}
Loads the header component into the element with the id "header".
If no element with that id exists, this function does nothing.
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadHeader() → {void}
Loads the header component into the element with the id "header".
If no element with that id exists, this function does nothing.
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadHeader() → {void}
Loads the header component into the element with the id "header".
If no element with that id exists, this function does nothing.
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadHeader() → {void}
Loads the header component into the element with the id "header".
If no element with that id exists, this function does nothing.
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadHeader() → {void}
Loads the header component into the element with the id "header".
If no element with that id exists, this function does nothing.
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadHeader() → {void}
Loads the header component into the element with the id "header".
If no element with that id exists, this function does nothing.
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadNavbar() → {void}
Loads the navbar component into the element with the id "navbar".
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadNavbar() → {void}
Loads the navbar component into the element with the id "navbar".
If no element with that id exists, this function does nothing.
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadNavbar() → {void}
Loads the navbar component into the element with the id "navbar".
If no element with that id exists, this function does nothing.
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadNavbar() → {void}
Loads the navbar component into the element with the id "navbar".
If no element with that id exists, this function does nothing.
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadNavbar() → {void}
Loads the navbar component into the element with the id "navbar".
If no element with that id exists, this function does nothing.
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadNavbar() → {void}
Loads the navbar component into the element with the id "navbar".
If no element with that id exists, this function does nothing.
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadNavbar() → {void}
Loads the navbar component into the element with the id "navbar".
If no element with that id exists, this function does nothing.
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadScripts(scripts, callback)
Loads an array of scripts into the document, and executes a callback
when all have finished loading.
Name | Type | Description |
scripts |
Array.<string> | An array of script URLs to load. |
callback |
function | A function to execute when all scripts have finished loading. |
loadSubtasks(currentTodo) → {void}
Loads the subtasks for a given todo item from the currentTodo object.
If the todo item does not have any subtasks, the function does nothing.
Name | Type | Description |
currentTodo |
Object | The todo item to load subtasks for. |
- Source:
- Type
- void
loadUserCredentialsFromLocalStorage() → {Object|undefined}
Loads user credentials from local storage.
If credentials are found, they are parsed from JSON
and returned as an object.
The parsed user credentials object,
or undefined if no credentials are stored.
- Type
- Object | undefined
Logs the user out by removing the user data from local storage and redirecting
to the login page after a 500ms delay.
- Source:
This function returns an SVG element representing a low priority icon.
- Source:
This function returns an SVG element representing a medium priority icon.
- Source:
noContactsTemplate() → {string}
Returns an HTML string representing a list item indicating that no
contacts were found.
An HTML string representing a list item.
- Type
- string
objectToArray(obj) → {Array}
Converts an object to an array of its values.
Name | Type | Description |
obj |
Object | The input object to convert to an array. |
- Source:
An array containing the values of the input object.
- Type
- Array
onDrop(state) → {void}
Handles the drop event of a todo card being dragged to a new column.
Calls updateTodo to update the state of the todo in the global todos array
and patches the todos object in the Firebase Realtime Database.
Then, it clears all columns on the board and renders all todos again. Finally,
it calls renderAllPlaceholder to render all placeholder elements and
removeAllHighlights to remove any highlights from the board.
Name | Type | Description |
state |
string | The new state of the todo. |
- Type
- void
Opens the 'Add Task' modal with the specified state and loads necessary scripts.
This function updates the global state and checks if the device is mobile.
If mobile, it redirects to the add-task page. Otherwise, it opens a modal
by creating and appending a modal element to the DOM. It loads additional
scripts required for the modal and inserts the task template into the modal content.
Finally, it applies a slide-in animation and restricts date selection to future dates.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
state |
string |
<optional> |
"todo" | The initial state of the task being added. |
- Source:
openContactModal(type, nameopt, emailopt, phoneopt, coloropt)
Opens the contact modal and inserts it into the DOM.
Depending on the type, the modal will either be in "add" or "edit" mode.
If in "edit" mode, the initials are derived from the provided name.
The contact modal is created using the provided name, email, phone, and color,
and then inserted into the body of the document.
The function also applies a "slide-in" animation to the modal.
Name | Type | Attributes | Default | Description |
type |
string | The type of the modal, either "add" or "edit". | ||
name |
string |
<optional> |
"" | The name of the contact. |
email |
string |
<optional> |
"" | The email of the contact. |
phone |
string |
<optional> |
"" | The phone number of the contact. |
color |
string |
<optional> |
"" | The color associated with the contact. |
- Source:
openDatePicker(event) → {void}
Opens the date picker for the due date input field and focuses on it.
This function prevents the event from propagating and programmatically
focuses on and clicks the due date input element to display the date picker.
Name | Type | Description |
event |
Event | The event object from the click event. |
- Source:
- Type
- void
openProfileMenu() → {void}
Toggles the display of the profile menu.
The profile menu is a dropdown menu that displays when the user clicks on their
avatar or name in the header. It is hidden by default and can be shown by
clicking on the avatar or name, or by pressing the 'Escape' key.
- Source:
- Type
- void
openStateChangeMenu(event, todoIndex) → {void}
Opens the state change menu for a specific todo card, allowing the user to select a new state
for the todo. The menu is anchored to the todo card and remains open until a click outside the
menu is detected. Once an outside click is detected, the menu is closed and the original
onclick event for the todo card is restored.
Name | Type | Description |
event |
Event | The event object from the click event that triggered the menu opening. |
todoIndex |
number | The index of the todo card for which the state change menu should be opened. |
- Source:
- Type
- void
openTodoModal(index) → {void}
Opens the big card modal in view mode for the todo item at the given index.
This will populate the big card modal with the todo item's information and
make the modal visible.
Name | Type | Description |
index |
number | The index of the todo item in the globalTodos array |
- Source:
- Type
- void
openTodoModalEdit(index) → {void}
Opens the big card modal in edit view for the todo item at the given index.
This will populate the big card modal with the todo item's information and
highlight the currently selected priority.
Name | Type | Description |
index |
number | The index of the todo item in the globalTodos array |
- Source:
- Type
- void
outsideClickListener(event, dropdownId, iconId) → {void}
Listens for a click event on the document and checks if the target of the event
is not the dropdown, its toggler, or the search input. If the conditions are
met, the dropdown is hidden.
Name | Type | Description |
event |
Object | The event object from the click event. |
dropdownId |
string | The id of the dropdown to be hidden. |
iconId |
string | The id of the icon to be rotated. |
- Source:
- Type
- void
outsideClickListenerWrapper(event) → {void}
Calls outsideClickListener with the contact dropdown options and icon.
Name | Type | Description |
event |
Object | The event object from the click event. |
- Source:
- Type
- void
outsideClickListenerWrapperCategory(event) → {void}
Calls outsideClickListener with the category dropdown options and icon.
Name | Type | Description |
event |
Object | The event object from the click event. |
- Source:
- Type
- void
Populates the DOM elements with counts of different types of todos and user information.
Name | Type | Description |
todos |
Array | An array of todo objects, each containing state, priority, and other properties. |
- Source:
If the user is logged in, redirects the user to the homepage.
Otherwise, does nothing.
removeAllHighlights() → {void}
Removes the "drag-area" class from all elements, effectively removing
the highlighting from all drag areas on the board.
- Type
- void
removeBadge(contactId) → {void}
Removes the badge for the given contact ID from the selected-badges
container and removes the contact ID from the selectedOptions array.
Name | Type | Description |
contactId |
string | The ID of the contact to remove a badge for. |
- Type
- void
removeContactView() → {void}
Removes the contact view by setting the innerHTML of the element with the id
"contact-view" to an empty string.
This function is useful when the contact view needs to be cleared without
toggling the contact view. It is equivalent to calling `toggleContactView(-1)`.
- Source:
- Type
- void
Removes the highlighting from the drag area element with the given elementId
by removing the "drag-area" class from it. Also toggles the placeholder
element for the given elementId. If the element is already highlighted or
does not exist, the function does nothing.
Name | Type | Description |
elementId |
string | The id of the drag area element to remove highlighting from. |
Hides the hollow drag area placeholder within the specified column
by adding the "d_none" class to it.
Name | Type | Description |
elementId |
string | The ID of the column element in which to hide the hollow placeholder. |
removeSubtask(iconElement) → {void}
Removes the subtask list item that the given icon element belongs to, and
also removes the corresponding entry from the subTasks object. The function
is called when the user clicks the "delete" icon of a subtask list item.
Name | Type | Description |
iconElement |
HTMLElement | The element that was clicked to remove the subtask. This element should be the "delete" icon of a subtask list item. |
- Source:
- Type
- void
Renders all placeholder elements on the board, including the regular placeholder and the hollow drag area placeholder.
renderAssignedMembersForTodo(todoIndex, todo) → {void}
Renders the assigned members for a specific todo item by creating and appending
HTML elements representing each assigned member to the DOM element corresponding
to the todo's assigned members section.
If the assigned members element does not exist, the function returns immediately.
Name | Type | Description |
todoIndex |
number | The index of the todo item. |
todo |
Object | The todo object containing the assigned members information. |
- Source:
- Type
- void
renderContactDropdown(assignedMembersopt, filterValueopt) → {void}
Renders the contact dropdown list by generating the HTML for the list and setting the
innerHTML of the dropdown options element to the generated HTML.
Name | Type | Attributes | Description |
assignedMembers |
Array.<string> |
<optional> |
An array of strings representing the names of assigned members. Defaults to an empty array. |
filterValue |
string |
<optional> |
A string to filter the contacts by. Defaults to an empty string. |
- Type
- void
renderContactList() → {void}
Renders the contact list in the element with the id "contactList".
If the element does not exist, does nothing.
If the globalContacts array is empty, renders a message prompting the user
to add a contact.
Otherwise, groups all contacts by the first letter of their name, renders
the HTML for the contact list given the grouped contacts, and sets the
innerHTML of the element to the rendered HTML.
- Source:
- Type
- void
renderContactListHtml(contactsByLetter) → {string}
Given an object where the keys are letters and the values are arrays of
contacts whose name starts with the key, returns an HTML string representing
the contact list.
The contact list is rendered with a masonry layout, which can be
customized by modifying the CSS classes used in the returned HTML.
Name | Type | Description |
contactsByLetter |
Object.<string, Array.<Object>> | An object where the keys are letters and the values are arrays of contacts whose name starts with the key. |
- Source:
An HTML string representing the contact list.
- Type
- string
(async) renderContactsPage() → {Promise.<void>}
Renders the contacts page by fetching data from the given URL and
rendering the contact list.
- Source:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
renderHollowPlaceholder() → {void}
Renders a hollow drag area placeholder in each column, which is used to
indicate a place where a task card can be dragged to.
- Type
- void
renderNoContactsMessage() → {void}
If there are no contacts in the globalContacts array, renders a message
in the contact list element that prompts the user to add a contact.
- Source:
- Type
- void
renderPlaceholder() → {void}
Renders a placeholder element in each column if the column is empty.
- Type
- void
renderSpecificTodos(todos) → {void}
Clears the board columns and renders only the specified todos. Additionally, renders
the regular placeholder and hollow drag area placeholder.
Name | Type | Description |
todos |
Array.<Todo> | The list of todos to render. |
- Type
- void
renderTodos(todos) → {void}
Renders a list of todos on the board by inserting the corresponding HTML elements
into the todo, progress, feedback, or done columns based on the state of each todo.
Additionally, this function sets the tooltip for the progress bar of each todo and
renders the assigned members for each todo.
Name | Type | Description |
todos |
Array.<Todo> | The list of todos to be rendered. |
- Source:
- Type
- void
Resets the state of all priority buttons to inactive.
It queries all priority container elements by the class name
"bc-prio-select" and removes the "active" class from each of
them, effectively resetting their state to inactive.
- Source:
Sets the minimum date for the due date input to the current date, to
prevent the user from selecting a date in the past.
Saves the current user object to local storage.
The user object is stringified before being stored.
This allows the user information to persist across
browser sessions.
saveEdit(iconElement) → {void}
Saves the current edit session of a subtask list item. The function is called
when the user clicks on the "accept" icon of a subtask list item. The function
checks if the current subtask text is empty and if so, removes the subtask
entirely. If the current subtask text is not empty, it updates the
corresponding subtask in the subTasks object and replaces the current input
element with a span element containing the updated text. The function also
updates the icon container of the subtask list item to contain the "edit" and
"delete" icons again.
Name | Type | Description |
iconElement |
HTMLElement | The element that was clicked to save the edit session. This element should be the "accept" icon of a subtask list item. |
- Source:
- Type
- void
(async) saveEditedTodo(index) → {Promise.<void>}
Saves the changes made to a todo item in the big card modal and updates the
corresponding element in the globalTodos array. After saving the changes, the
big card modal is closed and the board is re-rendered.
Name | Type | Description |
index |
number | The index of the todo item in the globalTodos array |
- Source:
- Resolves when the save operation is complete
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Saves user credentials to local storage, stringifying them first.
This allows the user credentials to persist across browser sessions.
The key used is "userCredentials".
Name | Type | Description |
credentials |
Object | The user credentials to be saved. |
searchTodos(event) → {void}
Handles the search bar input event.
When the user types in the search bar, this function
filters the list of todos by the search term. If the search term is empty,
the function clears the board columns and renders all todos. Otherwise, it
clears the board columns and renders only the filtered todos.
Name | Type | Description |
event |
Event | The input event from the search bar. |
- Source:
- Type
- void
selectCategory(event, selectedCategoryName) → {void}
Selects a category from the dropdown and updates the displayed category name.
This function handles the selection of a category from the category dropdown menu.
It stops the event from propagating, removes the 'selected' class from all category
options, updates the text content of the selected category element with the provided
category name, and then adds the 'selected' class to the chosen category option.
Finally, it toggles the visibility of the category dropdown menu.
Name | Type | Description |
event |
Event | The event object from the click event. |
selectedCategoryName |
string | The name of the category to be selected. |
- Source:
- Type
- void
(async) selectLatestCreatedContact() → {Promise.<void>}
Selects the latest created contact from the list of contacts and shows its details
in the contact view by calling `toggleContactView` with the index of the contact.
- Source:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
setDefaultPriority() → {void}
Sets the priority of the task to medium by default.
This function is called when the page is initialized to set the initial
priority of the task to medium. It adds the active class to the medium
priority button and updates the global priority variable.
- Source:
- Type
- void
Sets the final position and size of the logo based on the window width.
For mobile devices (width <= 768px), the logo is smaller and positioned
at specific coordinates. For larger screens, it has a different size
and position. Additionally, it restores the body's overflow to auto.
- Source:
Sets the initial position and size of the logo based on the window width.
For mobile devices (width < 768px), the logo is larger and centered.
For larger screens, the logo is smaller and positioned differently.
- Source:
setProgressBarTooltip(taskIndex, taskSubTasks)
Sets the title and onclick attribute on the progress bar for each task so that it displays a tooltip with the text
returned by getSubtasksText when clicked.
Name | Type | Description |
taskIndex |
number | The index of the current task. |
taskSubTasks |
- Source:
Sets the fill color of all provided paths to white.
Name | Type | Description |
paths |
NodeList | The list of SVG path elements to modify. |
- Source:
shouldRedirect(operation) → {boolean}
Determines whether a redirect to the board page is necessary.
This function checks if the current operation is "taskAdded" and if
the user is on the "add-task" page. If both conditions are true, it
returns true, indicating that a redirect should occur.
Name | Type | Description |
operation |
string | The operation type to check against. |
- Source:
True if a redirect should occur, false otherwise.
- Type
- boolean
showEmailWarning() → {void}
Shows a warning message for the contact email input field when the email is not in the
correct format. The warning message is shown for 2 seconds and then removed.
- Source:
- Type
- void
Displays the greeting container if the screen width is less than 1080 pixels.
The container is visible for 2 seconds, and then fades out.
During the animation, body scrolling is disabled.
- Source:
showNameWarning() → {void}
Shows a warning message for the contact name input field when the name is not in the
correct format. The warning message is shown for 2 seconds and then removed.
- Source:
- Type
- void
showPhoneWarning() → {void}
Shows a warning message for the contact phone input field when the phone is not in the
correct format. The warning message is shown for 2 seconds and then removed.
- Source:
- Type
- void
showToastMessage(operation, response)
Displays a toast message based on the operation and response status.
Generates an HTML toast message using the appropriate text content
for the provided operation and appends it to the document body.
The toast message is automatically removed after a set timeout.
If the operation requires a redirect and the conditions are met,
the user is redirected to the board page.
Name | Type | Description |
operation |
string | The operation type used to determine the message text. |
response |
Object | The response object containing the status of the operation. |
- Source:
showWarning(inputField, message)
Shows a warning message for a given input field. If the input field is an input element, the message is inserted after the element.
If the input field is a div element, the message is inserted after the parent element of the div.
The warning message is visible for 3 seconds and then removed.
Name | Type | Description |
inputField |
HTMLElement | The input field element to display the warning message for. |
message |
string | The warning message to display. |
- Source:
(async) signUp() → {Promise.<void>}
Handles the sign up process, by validating the form data, creating a new user
object and adding it to the Firebase Realtime Database. The function first
retrieves the form data, validates it, creates a new user object by spreading
the form data and adds the current timestamp for createdAt. The function then
calls putDataInFirebase to add the user to the database and shows a toast
message with the status of the operation. Finally, the function closes the
contact modal, renders the contacts page and selects the latest created
- Source:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
startDraggingTodo(todoId) → {void}
Sets the currently dragged element to the given todoId and adds the "dragging"
class to the corresponding task card element.
Name | Type | Description |
todoId |
number | The ID of the todo element that is being dragged. |
- Type
- void
toggleCategoryDropdown(event) → {void}
Toggles the visibility of the category dropdown menu and rotates the dropdown icon.
When the dropdown is shown, it adds an event listener to detect clicks outside
the dropdown, which will hide the dropdown and rotate the icon back.
Name | Type | Description |
event |
Event | The event object from the click event. |
- Source:
- Type
- void
toggleConfirmPasswordVisibility() → {void}
Changes the type of the confirm password field between "password" and "text" based
on the current type. If the type is "password", it changes to "text" and changes
the visibility icon to be a visibility icon. If the type is "text", it changes to
"password" and changes the visibility icon to be a non-visibility icon.
- Type
- void
toggleConfirmPasswordVisibilityIcon() → {void}
Toggles the visibility of the confirm password icon based on whether the
confirm password field has any input. If the field has any input, the icon
is changed to the visibility icon and the icon is made clickable to change
the password to be visible. If the field is empty, the icon is changed to the
default icon and the icon is made unclickable.
- Type
- void
toggleContactDropdown(event) → {void}
Toggles the contact dropdown by toggling the "show" class on the dropdown options element.
Listens for a click event on the document to close the dropdown when clicked outside of the dropdown.
If the event target is the dropdown icon or icon container, toggles the "show" class and the "rotated" class on the dropdown icon.
If the event target is not the dropdown icon or icon container and the dropdown is not visible, shows the dropdown and adds the event listener.
If the event target is not the dropdown icon or icon container and the dropdown is visible, removes the event listener and hides the dropdown.
Name | Type | Description |
event |
Event | The event object from the click event. |
- Type
- void
toggleContactView(contactId) → {void}
Toggles the contact view based on the id of the contact item. If the contact
item is selected, the contact view is rendered with the contact's initials and
contact information. If the contact item is deselected, the contact view is
Name | Type | Description |
contactId |
number | The id of the contact item. |
- Source:
- Type
- void
toggleEditMenu() → {void}
Toggles the display of the contact edit menu.
When the menu is displayed, it listens for a click event on the document to
close the menu. When the menu is hidden, the click event listener is removed.
- Source:
- Type
- void
toggleElementVisibility(element, isVisible)
Toggles the visibility of the given element based on the boolean value of
`isVisible`. If `isVisible` is true, sets the element's display style to
"flex". Otherwise, sets it to "none". Does nothing if the element is null or
Name | Type | Description |
element |
HTMLElement | The element to update |
isVisible |
boolean | Whether the element should be visible or not |
- Source:
toggleOptionSelection(option) → {void}
Toggles the selection of a contact dropdown option by changing the
checked state of the checkbox and the selected class of the option.
Name | Type | Description |
option |
HTMLElement | The |
- Type
- void
togglePasswordVisibilityIcon() → {void}
Toggles the visibility of the login password visibility icon based on whether
or not there is a value in the password field. If there is a value, the icon
shows as a visibility icon and is clickable to change the password to be
visible. If there is no value, the icon shows as a default login icon and
is not clickable.
- Type
- void
Toggles the visibility of the placeholder element within the specified column.
Name | Type | Description |
elementId |
string | The ID of the column element in which to toggle the placeholder. |
Toggles the state of the priority button with the given id.
It resets the state of all priority buttons and then toggles the
state of the button with the given id. If the button is currently
active, it will be made inactive and vice versa.
Name | Type | Description |
id |
string | The id of the priority button to be toggled. |
- Source:
Toggles the state of the privacy policy checkbox and enables/disables
the sign-up button accordingly. The checkbox image source is switched
between checked and non-checked states, and the sign-up button is
disabled if the checkbox is unchecked.
- Source:
toggleRememberMe() → {void}
Toggles the "Remember Me" checkbox and its associated icon. If the icon currently
shows a checked box, it will change to an unchecked box and the checkbox value
will be set to "false". If the icon currently shows an unchecked box, it will
change to a checked box and the checkbox value will be set to "true".
- Type
- void
toggleSelectedContactInList(selectedContact, contactItemElement)
Toggles the selected class on the contact item element and updates the
contactSelect property of the selected contact.
Name | Type | Description |
selectedContact |
Object | The contact object of the selected contact. |
contactItemElement |
HTMLElement | The |
- Source:
(async) toggleSubtask(index, subtaskKey) → {Promise.<void>}
Toggles the state of a subtask in the given todo.
Name | Type | Description |
index |
number | The index of the todo in the globalTodos array. |
subtaskKey |
string | The key of the subtask to be toggled. |
- Source:
- Resolves when the subtask state has been toggled.
- Type
- Promise.<void>
toggleSubtaskModalWrapperVisibility() → {void}
Toggles the visibility of the subtask modal wrapper, based on whether the
subtasks container has any children or not.
- Source:
- Type
- void
toggleTodoModal(index) → {void}
Toggles the big card modal's visibility and animation based on the overflow state
of the body. If the body is set to "hidden", the big card modal is displayed and
the body is set to "auto", otherwise the big card modal is hidden and the body
is set to "hidden".
Name | Type | Description |
index |
number | The index of the todo item in the globalTodos array |
- Source:
- Type
- void
Triggers the fade-in animation for the logo paths after a delay.
Name | Type | Description |
paths |
NodeList | The list of SVG path elements to animate. |
- Source:
Triggers the logo animation sequence. Sets the initial logo position,
applies a white fill to the logo paths if on mobile, and triggers
the animation sequence. Handles the case where the referrer is the
signup page by skipping the animation.
- Source:
triggerLogoAnimationSequence(overlay, logo)
Manages the logo animation sequence, triggering the overlay fade-out
and logo animation, followed by hiding the overlay and setting the final
position of the logo.
Name | Type | Description |
overlay |
HTMLElement | The overlay element to animate. |
logo |
HTMLElement | The logo element to animate. |
- Source:
triggerRender() → {void}
Triggers the rendering of the entire board by clearing the columns, rendering all
todo items and rendering all placeholder elements.
- Type
- void
truncateText(text) → {string}
Truncates a given text string to a maximum length of 45 characters.
If the given text is longer than 45 characters, it will be truncated
and an ellipsis will be appended to the end to indicate that the
text has been shortened.
Name | Type | Description |
text |
string | The text to be truncated. |
The truncated text.
- Type
- string
(async) updateAssignedMembers(contact, formData) → {Promise.<void>}
Updates the assigned members of all todos in the globalTodos array that match the email of the given contact
with the new name from the given formData. Finally, it patches the updated todos object in the Firebase Realtime Database.
Name | Type | Description |
contact |
Object | The contact to be updated. |
formData |
FormData | The form data containing the new name of the contact. |
- Source:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
(async) updateContact(contact) → {Promise.<void>}
Updates the given contact in the Firebase Realtime Database.
Name | Type | Description |
contact |
Object | The contact to be updated. |
- Source:
- Type
- Promise.<void>
(async) updateContactInDatabase(user, contactID, data) → {Promise.<Response>}
Updates the data of a specific contact in the Firebase Realtime Database.
Name | Type | Description |
user |
string | The user whose contact data is being updated. |
contactID |
string | The ID of the contact to be updated. |
data |
Object | The new data to be patched into the contact. |
- Source:
A promise that resolves with the response from the patch request.
- Type
- Promise.<Response>
Updates the due date display and its label based on the earliest deadline of urgent todos.
Name | Type | Description |
todos |
Array | An array of todo objects. |
- Source:
updateDueDateText(dueDateElement, date)
Updates the text and color of the due date element and the label text.
Name | Type | Description |
dueDateElement |
HTMLElement | The DOM element for displaying the due date. |
date |
Date | The date of the earliest deadline. |
- Source:
Updates the greeting message based on the current time of day.
- Source:
updateSubTasksDisplay(index) → {void}
Updates the display of the big task card modal with the todo item at the given index.
This is called when a subtask is checked or unchecked, and the big card modal needs
to be updated to reflect the change.
Name | Type | Description |
index |
number | The index of the todo item in the globalTodos array |
- Source:
- Type
- void
Updates the visibility of the add subtask icon and the subtask actions
depending on whether the input field is empty or not.
- Source:
(async) updateTodo(state) → {Promise.<void>}
Updates a todo in the global todos array and patches the todos object in the Firebase Realtime Database.
Name | Type | Description |
state |
string | The new state of the todo. |
- Source:
- A promise that resolves when the update is complete.
- Type
- Promise.<void>
Updates the count of todos in different states.
Name | Type | Description |
todos |
Array | An array of todo objects. |
- Source:
(async) updateTodoMobile(index, newState) → {Promise.<void>}
Updates the state of a todo item in the global todos array and patches the updated todos object
in the Firebase Realtime Database. If the update is successful, a success toast message is shown
and the board is re-rendered. If there is an error, an error toast message is displayed.
Name | Type | Description |
index |
number | The index of the todo item to update. |
newState |
string | The new state to set for the todo item. |
- Source:
- A promise that resolves when the update operation is complete.
- Type
- Promise.<void>
(async) updateTodosInFirebase(todosObject, user) → {Promise.<(Response|Error)>}
Patches the todos object in the Firebase Realtime Database.
Name | Type | Description |
todosObject |
Object | The object containing the todos to be updated. |
user |
string | The user whose todos are to be updated. |
- Source:
A promise that resolves with the response from the Firebase Database if successful, or rejects with an error if there is a HTTP error.
- Type
- Promise.<(Response|Error)>
Updates the user information displayed on the page.
- Source:
validateForm() → {boolean}
Validates the sign-up form fields by checking if the name, email,
password, and confirm password inputs meet specific requirements.
Updates the respective error message fields if validation fails.
- Source:
Always returns true after validation.
- Type
- boolean
validateFormdata() → {boolean}
Validates the form data in the contact form.
- Source:
True if the form is valid, false otherwise.
- Type
- boolean
validateLoginFormData() → {boolean}
Validates the login form data by checking if the email and password inputs
meet specific requirements. Clears any previous error messages before validation.
Displays appropriate error messages if the inputs are invalid.
The email must be in a valid format and the password must be at least 7 characters long.
- Source:
True if both email and password are valid; otherwise, false.
- Type
- boolean
validateTodoForm() → {boolean}
Validates the add task form fields. If the title or due date are empty,
or if the category is not selected, it shows a warning and returns false.
Otherwise, it clears any warnings and returns true.
- Source:
If the form is valid or not.
- Type
- boolean
Type Definitions
- Object
Name | Type | Description |
apiKey |
string | The Firebase Realtime Database API key. |
- Source:
Object containing all routes of the application.
The keys are the paths of the routes and the values
are the functions that should be executed when the route
is accessed.
- Object
Name | Type | Description |
'/' |
function | Function to check authorization for the homepage. |
'/index.html' |
function | Function to check authorization for the homepage. |
'/summary.html' |
function | Function to check authorization for the summary page. |
'/board.html' |
function | Function to check authorization for the board page. |
'/contacts.html' |
function | Function to check authorization for the contacts page. |
'/add-task.html' |
function | Function to check authorization for the add task page. |
'/legal-notice.html' |
function | Function to check authorization for the legal notice page. |
'/policy.html' |
function | Function to check authorization for the policy page. |
'/help.html' |
function | Function to check authorization for the help page. |