* Returns the HTML string for a big task card with the given parameters.
* The returned HTML will be a div with the class "big-card-modal" and the given index as its ID.
* It will have a header with the category and title, a body with the description, assigned members, and a list of subtasks, and a footer with a delete and edit button.
* @param {object} todo - The task object from the global todos array.
* @param {number} index - The index of the task card in the global todos array.
* @returns {string} - The HTML string for the big task card.
function getTaskCardBigTemplate(todo, index) {
const subTasksHtml = todo.subTasks
? Object.keys(todo.subTasks)
.map((key) => {
const subTask = todo.subTasks[key];
const isChecked = subTask.state === true ? "subtask-checked.svg" : "subtask-non-checked.svg";
return /*html*/ `
<label class="bigCard-subtask" for="subTaskImageChecked${key}" onclick="toggleSubtask(${index}, '${key}'); event.stopPropagation();">
<img id="subTaskImageChecked${key}" src="./assets/svg/${isChecked}" />
: "";
const assignedMembersHtml = todo.assignedMembers
? Object.values(todo.assignedMembers)
.map((contact) => {
return /*html*/ `
<div class="assigned-member-initial-wrapper">
<div class="b-card-initial-circle" style="background-color: ${contact.color};"><span>${getInitialsFromContact(
<div class="big-card-assigned-name"><p>${contact.name}</p></div>
: "";
return /* HTML */ ` <div id="big-card-modal" onclick="event.stopPropagation()">
<div class="catogory-close-container">
class="card-big-header inter-extralight"
style="background-color: ${todo.category === "Technical Task" ? "#1FD7C1" : "#0038ff"}">
<h4 class="inter-extralight">${todo.category}</h4>
<span class="close-btn big-card-close-x" onclick="toggleTodoModal()">
<img src="./assets/svg/close.svg" alt="" />
<div class="card-form-container" id="big-card-form-container">
<h1 class="big-card-head inter-medium">${todo.title}</h1>
<div class="big-card-description inter-extralight">
<div class="big-card-creatAT">
<div class="big-card-date inter-extralight">
<p class="${todo.category === "Technical Task" ? "technicalTask-text-color" : "userStory-text-color"}">
Due date:
<p class="user-createdAt-p">${formatDueDate(todo.date)}</p>
<div class="big-card-priority inter-extralight">
<p class="${todo.category === "Technical Task" ? "technicalTask-text-color" : "userStory-text-color"}">
<div class="select-prio-big-card">
<span class="big-card-select-prio">${todo.priority}</span>
<div class="prio-img">
${todo.priority === "high"
? highPriotiySVG()
: todo.priority === "medium"
? mediumPriotiySVG()
: lowPriotiySVG()}
class="big-card-assigned-head inter-extralight ${todo.category === "Technical Task"
? "technicalTask-text-color"
: "userStory-text-color"}">
<p>Assigned to:</p>
<div class="big-card-assigned-member">
<div class="assigned-member-wrapper inter-extralight">${assignedMembersHtml}</div>
<div class="subtask-modal-wrapper">
class="bigCard-subtask-head inter-extralight ${todo.category === "Technical Task"
? "technicalTask-text-color"
: "userStory-text-color"}">
<div class="bigCard-subtasks-container">${subTasksHtml ? subTasksHtml : ""}</div>
<div class="bigCard-delete-edit-container inter-extralight">
<div onclick="deleteTaskCard(${index})" class="big-card-delete">
<svg width="16" height="18" viewBox="0 0 16 18" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
d="M3 18C2.45 18 1.97917 17.8042 1.5875 17.4125C1.19583 17.0208 1 16.55 1 16V3C0.716667 3 0.479167 2.90417 0.2875 2.7125C0.0958333 2.52083 0 2.28333 0 2C0 1.71667 0.0958333 1.47917 0.2875 1.2875C0.479167 1.09583 0.716667 1 1 1H5C5 0.716667 5.09583 0.479167 5.2875 0.2875C5.47917 0.0958333 5.71667 0 6 0H10C10.2833 0 10.5208 0.0958333 10.7125 0.2875C10.9042 0.479167 11 0.716667 11 1H15C15.2833 1 15.5208 1.09583 15.7125 1.2875C15.9042 1.47917 16 1.71667 16 2C16 2.28333 15.9042 2.52083 15.7125 2.7125C15.5208 2.90417 15.2833 3 15 3V16C15 16.55 14.8042 17.0208 14.4125 17.4125C14.0208 17.8042 13.55 18 13 18H3ZM3 3V16H13V3H3ZM5 13C5 13.2833 5.09583 13.5208 5.2875 13.7125C5.47917 13.9042 5.71667 14 6 14C6.28333 14 6.52083 13.9042 6.7125 13.7125C6.90417 13.5208 7 13.2833 7 13V6C7 5.71667 6.90417 5.47917 6.7125 5.2875C6.52083 5.09583 6.28333 5 6 5C5.71667 5 5.47917 5.09583 5.2875 5.2875C5.09583 5.47917 5 5.71667 5 6V13ZM9 13C9 13.2833 9.09583 13.5208 9.2875 13.7125C9.47917 13.9042 9.71667 14 10 14C10.2833 14 10.5208 13.9042 10.7125 13.7125C10.9042 13.5208 11 13.2833 11 13V6C11 5.71667 10.9042 5.47917 10.7125 5.2875C10.5208 5.09583 10.2833 5 10 5C9.71667 5 9.47917 5.09583 9.2875 5.2875C9.09583 5.47917 9 5.71667 9 6V13Z"
fill="#2A3647" />
<div class="bigCard-edit-delete-divider"></div>
<div onclick="openTodoModalEdit(${index})" class="big-card-edit">
<svg width="19" height="19" viewBox="0 0 19 19" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
d="M2 17H3.4L12.025 8.375L10.625 6.975L2 15.6V17ZM16.3 6.925L12.05 2.725L13.45 1.325C13.8333 0.941667 14.3042 0.75 14.8625 0.75C15.4208 0.75 15.8917 0.941667 16.275 1.325L17.675 2.725C18.0583 3.10833 18.2583 3.57083 18.275 4.1125C18.2917 4.65417 18.1083 5.11667 17.725 5.5L16.3 6.925ZM14.85 8.4L4.25 19H0V14.75L10.6 4.15L14.85 8.4Z"
fill="#2A3647" />