* Initializes the page by loading components and rendering the contact dropdown.
* @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the page has been initialized.
async function init() {
await getContactsFromData("guest");
document.getElementById("add-task-main").innerHTML = getAddTaskTemplate();
* Loads all necessary components into the page.
* @returns {void}
function loadComponents() {
* Loads the header component into the element with the id "header".
* @returns {void}
function loadHeader() {
const header = document.getElementById("header");
if (header) {
header.innerHTML = getHeaderTemplate();
* Loads the navbar component into the element with the id "navbar".
* @returns {void}
function loadNavbar() {
const navbar = document.getElementById("navbar");
if (navbar) {
navbar.innerHTML = getNavbarTemplate("add-task");
* Handles a click event on a priority button by removing the active class
* from all other priority buttons and setting the active class on the
* clicked button. It also updates the global priority variable.
* @param {MouseEvent} event - The event object of the click event.
* @returns {void}
function handlePrioChange(event) {
const buttons = document.querySelectorAll(".priority-actions button");
const clickedButton = event.currentTarget;
buttons.forEach((button) => button.classList.remove("active"));
priority = clickedButton.getAttribute("data-priority");
* Sets the priority of the task to medium by default.
* This function is called when the page is initialized to set the initial
* priority of the task to medium. It adds the active class to the medium
* priority button and updates the global priority variable.
* @returns {void}
function setDefaultPriority() {
const mediumButton = document.querySelector('button[data-priority="medium"]');
priority = "medium";
* Toggles the visibility of the category dropdown menu and rotates the dropdown icon.
* When the dropdown is shown, it adds an event listener to detect clicks outside
* the dropdown, which will hide the dropdown and rotate the icon back.
* @param {Event} event - The event object from the click event.
* @returns {void}
function toggleCategoryDropdown(event) {
const dropdown = document.getElementById("category-dropdown-options");
const icon = document.getElementById("category-dropdown-icon");
if (dropdown.classList.contains("show")) {
document.addEventListener("click", outsideClickListenerWrapper);
} else {
document.removeEventListener("click", outsideClickListenerWrapper);
* Calls outsideClickListener with the category dropdown options and icon.
* @param {{ target: HTMLElement }} event - The event object from the click event.
* @returns {void}
function outsideClickListenerWrapper(event) {
outsideClickListener(event, "category-dropdown-options", "category-dropdown-icon");
* Selects a category from the dropdown and updates the displayed category name.
* This function handles the selection of a category from the category dropdown menu.
* It stops the event from propagating, removes the 'selected' class from all category
* options, updates the text content of the selected category element with the provided
* category name, and then adds the 'selected' class to the chosen category option.
* Finally, it toggles the visibility of the category dropdown menu.
* @param {Event} event - The event object from the click event.
* @param {string} selectedCategoryName - The name of the category to be selected.
* @returns {void}
function selectCategory(event, selectedCategoryName) {
const selectedCategoryElement = document.getElementById("select-category");
const categoryOptions = document.querySelectorAll("#category-dropdown-options li");
categoryOptions.forEach((option) => option.classList.remove("selected"));
selectedCategoryElement.textContent = selectedCategoryName;
const selectedOption = Array.from(categoryOptions).find(
(option) => option.textContent.trim() === selectedCategoryName
if (selectedOption) {
* Opens the date picker for the due date input field and focuses on it.
* This function prevents the event from propagating and programmatically
* focuses on and clicks the due date input element to display the date picker.
* @param {Event} event - The event object from the click event.
* @returns {void}
function openDatePicker(event) {
const dueDateInput = document.getElementById("due-date");
* Clears all the input fields in the add task form and resets all the
* selected state, including the category, priority, contacts, and subtasks.
* @returns {void}
function clearForm() {
const selectedCategoryElement = document.getElementById("select-category");
selectedCategoryElement.textContent = "Select task category";
const selectedBadgesElement = document.getElementById("selected-badges");
selectedBadgesElement.innerHTML = "";
const priorityButtons = document.querySelectorAll(".priority-actions button");
priorityButtons.forEach((button) => button.classList.remove("active"));
const subtasksContainer = document.getElementById("subtask-list");
if (subtasksContainer) subtasksContainer.innerHTML = "";
const contactOptions = document.querySelectorAll("#contact-dropdown-options li");
contactOptions.forEach((option) => {
const checkbox = option.querySelector(".checkbox");
if (checkbox) {
checkbox.checked = false;
selectedOptions = [];
priority = "";
subTasks = {};
* Clears the input fields of the add-task form by setting the value of the
* specified elements to an empty string.
* @returns {void}
function clearInputFields() {
const inputIds = ["title", "description", "due-date", "subtasks", "search"];
inputIds.forEach((id) => {
const inputElement = document.getElementById(id);
if (inputElement) {
inputElement.value = "";
* Creates a new todo item with the values from the add-task form and adds it to the
* globalTodos object. After creating the todo item, it updates the Firebase Realtime
* Database and clears the form.
* @returns {Promise<void>} - A promise that resolves when the todo item is created and
* the data is updated in the Firebase Realtime Database.
async function createTodo() {
if (!validateTodoForm()) {
const dateNow = Date.now();
const id = "TODO" + dateNow;
const assignedMembers = selectedOptions.map((id) => globalContacts[id]);
const title = document.getElementById("title").value;
const description = document.getElementById("description").value;
const dueDate = document.getElementById("due-date").value;
const category = document.getElementById("select-category").textContent;
const subTasksObject = Object.keys(subTasks).reduce((acc, key) => {
if (subTasks[key]) {
acc[key] = subTasks[key];
return acc;
}, {});
const todos = {
[id]: {
assignedMembers: assignedMembers,
category: category,
createdAt: dateNow,
date: dueDate,
description: description,
priority: priority,
state: globalState,
subTasks: subTasksObject,
title: title,
try {
const status = await updateTodosInFirebase("guest", todos);
const modal = document.getElementById("add-task-modal");
showToastMessage("taskAdded", status);
if (modal) {
await getTodosFromData("guest");
} catch (error) {
const response = await updateTodosInFirebase("guest", todos);
showToastMessage("error", response);
console.log(`Failed to create a new task: ${error.message}`);