* Updates the visibility of the add subtask icon and the subtask actions
* depending on whether the input field is empty or not.
function updateSubtaskIcons() {
const inputField = document.getElementById("subtasks");
const addIconElement = document.getElementById("add-icon");
const subtaskActionsElement = document.getElementById("subtask-actions");
const isEmpty = inputField.value.trim() === "";
toggleElementVisibility(addIconElement, isEmpty);
toggleElementVisibility(subtaskActionsElement, !isEmpty);
* Toggles the visibility of the given element based on the boolean value of
* `isVisible`. If `isVisible` is true, sets the element's display style to
* "flex". Otherwise, sets it to "none". Does nothing if the element is null or
* undefined.
* @param {HTMLElement} element - The element to update
* @param {boolean} isVisible - Whether the element should be visible or not
function toggleElementVisibility(element, isVisible) {
if (!element) return;
element.style.display = isVisible ? "flex" : "none";
* Adds a new subtask to the subtask list if the input field contains text.
* Generates a unique subtask ID, creates a new subtask list item, appends it
* to the subtask list, and updates the global subTasks object with the new subtask.
* Clears the input field and checks the need for scrollbar adjustments.
function addSubtask() {
const inputElement = document.getElementById("subtasks");
const subtaskText = inputElement.value.trim();
if (subtaskText) {
const subtaskId = `SUBTODO_${Date.now()}`;
const subtaskItem = createSubtaskListItem(subtaskText, subtaskId);
const subtaskList = document.getElementById("subtask-list");
subTasks[subtaskId] = { state: false, text: subtaskText };
* Sets focus on the subtask input field, allowing the user to immediately start typing.
* This function assumes that an element with the ID "subtasks" exists in the DOM.
function focusSubtaskInput() {
const subtaskInput = document.getElementById("subtasks");
* Loads the subtasks for a given todo item from the currentTodo object.
* If the todo item does not have any subtasks, the function does nothing.
* @param {Object} currentTodo - The todo item to load subtasks for.
* @returns {void}
function loadSubtasks(currentTodo) {
if (!currentTodo.hasOwnProperty("subTasks")) return;
const subtaskList = document.getElementById("subtask-list");
if (!subtaskList) return;
Object.keys(currentTodo.subTasks).forEach((key) => {
const subtaskId = key;
const subtaskText = currentTodo.subTasks[key].text;
subTasks[subtaskId] = { state: currentTodo.subTasks[key].state, text: subtaskText };
const subtaskItem = createSubtaskListItem(subtaskText, subtaskId);
* Creates a new subtask list item with the given subtask text and ID.
* The list item is given a double click event listener that calls the editSubtask function.
* @param {string} subtaskText - The text of the subtask.
* @param {string} subtaskId - The ID of the subtask.
* @returns {HTMLLIElement} - The created subtask list item.
function createSubtaskListItem(subtaskText, subtaskId) {
const listItem = document.createElement("li");
listItem.innerHTML = getSubtaskListItemTemplate(subtaskText);
listItem.dataset.id = subtaskId;
listItem.addEventListener("dblclick", () => editSubtask(listItem));
return listItem;
* Starts an edit session on a subtask list item. The function is called when
* the user double clicks on the text of a subtask list item. The function
* creates a new text input element, sets its value to the current subtask text
* and replaces the current subtask text element with the new input element.
* The function also updates the icon container of the subtask list item to
* include "accept" and "delete" icons.
* @param {HTMLElement} iconElement - The element that was double clicked to
* start the edit session. This element should be the "edit" icon of a subtask
* list item.
* @returns {void}
function editSubtask(iconElement) {
const listItem = iconElement.closest("li");
const subtaskTextElement = listItem.querySelector(".subtask-text");
const currentText = subtaskTextElement.textContent;
const inputField = document.createElement("input");
inputField.type = "text";
inputField.value = currentText;
inputField.setAttribute("data-id", listItem.dataset.id);
listItem.replaceChild(inputField, subtaskTextElement);
const iconContainer = listItem.querySelector(".list-item-actions");
iconContainer.innerHTML = getAcceptAndDeleteIconsTemplate();
* Saves the current edit session of a subtask list item. The function is called
* when the user clicks on the "accept" icon of a subtask list item. The function
* checks if the current subtask text is empty and if so, removes the subtask
* entirely. If the current subtask text is not empty, it updates the
* corresponding subtask in the subTasks object and replaces the current input
* element with a span element containing the updated text. The function also
* updates the icon container of the subtask list item to contain the "edit" and
* "delete" icons again.
* @param {HTMLElement} iconElement - The element that was clicked to save the
* edit session. This element should be the "accept" icon of a subtask list
* item.
* @returns {void}
function saveEdit(iconElement) {
const listItem = iconElement.closest("li");
const inputElement = listItem.querySelector("input");
const updatedText = inputElement.value.trim();
const subtaskId = inputElement.getAttribute("data-id");
if (!updatedText) {
if (subTasks[subtaskId]) subTasks[subtaskId].text = updatedText;
const subtaskTextSpan = document.createElement("span");
subtaskTextSpan.className = "subtask-text";
subtaskTextSpan.textContent = updatedText;
listItem.replaceChild(subtaskTextSpan, inputElement);
const iconsContainer = listItem.querySelector(".list-item-actions");
iconsContainer.innerHTML = getEditAndDeleteIconsTemplate();
* Removes the subtask list item that the given icon element belongs to, and
* also removes the corresponding entry from the subTasks object. The function
* is called when the user clicks the "delete" icon of a subtask list item.
* @param {HTMLElement} iconElement - The element that was clicked to remove
* the subtask. This element should be the "delete" icon of a subtask list
* item.
* @returns {void}
function removeSubtask(iconElement) {
const subtaskListItem = iconElement.closest("li");
const subtaskId = subtaskListItem.dataset.id;
if (subTasks[subtaskId]) delete subTasks[subtaskId];
* Clears the input field of the subtask list and triggers an input event on
* it, so that the UI is updated correctly.
* This function is called when the user adds a subtask, to clear the input
* field and be ready for the next subtask.
* @returns {void}
function clearSubtaskInput() {
const subtaskInput = document.getElementById("subtasks");
if (subtaskInput) {
subtaskInput.value = "";
subtaskInput.dispatchEvent(new Event("input"));
* Toggles the visibility of the subtask modal wrapper, based on whether the
* subtasks container has any children or not.
* @returns {void}
function toggleSubtaskModalWrapperVisibility() {
const subtaskModalWrapper = document.querySelector(".subtask-modal-wrapper");
const subtasksContainer = document.querySelector(".bigCard-subtasks-container");
subtaskModalWrapper.style.display = subtasksContainer.children.length > 0 ? "block" : "none";
* Toggles the state of a subtask in the given todo.
* @param {number} index - The index of the todo in the globalTodos array.
* @param {string} subtaskKey - The key of the subtask to be toggled.
* @returns {Promise<void>} - Resolves when the subtask state has been toggled.
async function toggleSubtask(index, subTaskKey) {
const currentTodo = globalTodos[index];
const { subTasks = {} } = currentTodo;
const subtask = subTasks[subTaskKey];
subTasks[subTaskKey] = { ...subtask, state: !subtask?.state };
const response = await updateTodosInFirebase("guest", arrayToObject(globalTodos));
if (!response.ok) showToastMessage("error", response);
globalTodos[index] = { ...currentTodo, subTasks };
updateSubTasksDisplay(index, subTaskKey);
* Updates the display of the big task card modal with the todo item at the given index.
* This is called when a subtask is checked or unchecked, and the big card modal needs
* to be updated to reflect the change.
* @param {number} index - The index of the todo item in the globalTodos array
* @returns {void}
function updateSubTasksDisplay(index, subTaskKey) {
const todoItem = globalTodos[index];
const subTask = todoItem.subTasks[subTaskKey];
const imgElement = document.getElementById(`subTaskImageChecked${subTaskKey}`);
const isChecked = subTask.state === true ? "subtask-checked.svg" : "subtask-non-checked.svg";
imgElement.src = `./assets/svg/${isChecked}`;