* Initializes the board page by loading necessary components,
* retrieving board columns from the DOM, fetching contacts and todos
* from the Firebase database, and loading demo data.
* @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves when the initialization is complete.
async function init() {
await getContactsFromData("guest");
await getTodosFromData("guest");
* Loads all necessary components into the page.
* Currently, this function only loads the header and navbar components.
* @returns {void}
function loadComponents() {
* Loads the header component into the element with the id "header".
* If no element with that id exists, this function does nothing.
* @returns {void}
function loadHeader() {
const header = document.getElementById("header");
if (!header) return;
header.innerHTML = getHeaderTemplate();
* Loads the navbar component into the element with the id "navbar".
* If no element with that id exists, this function does nothing.
* @returns {void}
function loadNavbar() {
const navbar = document.getElementById("navbar");
if (!navbar) return;
navbar.innerHTML = getNavbarTemplate("board");
* Initializes the rendering of the board page by rendering all todos
* and placeholder elements. This function is called once, when the page
* is loaded.
* @returns {void}
function initRender() {
* Renders a list of todos on the board by inserting the corresponding HTML elements
* into the todo, progress, feedback, or done columns based on the state of each todo.
* Additionally, this function sets the tooltip for the progress bar of each todo and
* renders the assigned members for each todo.
* @param {Todo[]} todos The list of todos to be rendered.
* @returns {void}
function renderTodos(todos) {
if (!todoColumn || !progressColumn || !feedbackColumn || !doneColumn) return;
todos.forEach((todo, index) => {
const todoElement = getTaskCardSmallTemplate(index, todo);
switch (todo.state) {
case "todo":
todoColumn.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", todoElement);
setProgressBarTooltip(index, todo.subTasks);
case "progress":
progressColumn.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", todoElement);
setProgressBarTooltip(index, todo.subTasks);
case "feedback":
feedbackColumn.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", todoElement);
setProgressBarTooltip(index, todo.subTasks);
case "done":
doneColumn.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", todoElement);
setProgressBarTooltip(index, todo.subTasks);
renderAssignedMembersForTodo(index, todo);
addMobileMenu(index, todo);
* Adds a dropdown menu to the bottom of the card for switching between todo states
* on mobile devices. The menu shows all states except for the current one.
* @param {number} index The index of the todo in `globalTodos`.
* @param {Todo} todo The todo object to be rendered.
* @returns {void}
function addMobileMenu(index, todo) {
const cardElement = document.getElementById(`card-switch-state-${index}`);
const stateButtonElements = Object.entries(todoStates)
.filter(([state]) => state !== todo.state)
.map(([state, label]) => {
const buttonElement = document.createElement("button");
buttonElement.textContent = label;
buttonElement.onclick = (event) => {
updateTodoMobile(index, state);
return buttonElement;
* Updates the state of a todo item in the global todos array and patches the updated todos object
* in the Firebase Realtime Database. If the update is successful, a success toast message is shown
* and the board is re-rendered. If there is an error, an error toast message is displayed.
* @param {number} index - The index of the todo item to update.
* @param {string} newState - The new state to set for the todo item.
* @returns {Promise<void>} - A promise that resolves when the update operation is complete.
async function updateTodoMobile(index, newState) {
const updatedTodos = [...globalTodos];
updatedTodos[index].state = newState;
try {
const response = await updateTodosInFirebase("guest", arrayToObject(updatedTodos));
if (response.ok) {
showToastMessage("todoUpdated", response);
} else showToastMessage("error", response);
} catch (error) {
showToastMessage("error", error);
* Handles the search bar input event.
* When the user types in the search bar, this function
* filters the list of todos by the search term. If the search term is empty,
* the function clears the board columns and renders all todos. Otherwise, it
* clears the board columns and renders only the filtered todos.
* @param {Event} event The input event from the search bar.
* @returns {void}
function searchTodos(event) {
const {
target: { value: searchTerm },
} = event;
if (key === "Enter") return;
const filteredTodos = globalTodos.filter(({ title, description }) =>
[title, description].some((text) => text.toLowerCase().includes(searchTerm.toLowerCase()))
if (searchTerm === "") renderSpecificTodos(globalTodos);
else renderSpecificTodos(filteredTodos);
* Opens the state change menu for a specific todo card, allowing the user to select a new state
* for the todo. The menu is anchored to the todo card and remains open until a click outside the
* menu is detected. Once an outside click is detected, the menu is closed and the original
* onclick event for the todo card is restored.
* @param {Event} event - The event object from the click event that triggered the menu opening.
* @param {number} todoIndex - The index of the todo card for which the state change menu should be opened.
* @returns {void}
function openStateChangeMenu(event, todoIndex) {
const stateChangeMenu = document.getElementById(`card-switch-state-${todoIndex}`);
const todoCard = document.getElementById(`task-card-small-${todoIndex}`);
const profileMenu = document.getElementById("profile-menu");
if (profileMenu && !profileMenu.classList.contains("d_none")) profileMenu.classList.add("d_none");
if (currentlyOpenMenu && currentlyOpenMenu !== stateChangeMenu) currentlyOpenMenu.classList.add("d_none");
currentlyOpenMenu = stateChangeMenu.classList.contains("d_none") ? null : stateChangeMenu;
todoCard.onclick = null;
* Handles an outside click event by closing the state change menu, removing the
* outside click event listener, and restoring the original onclick event for the
* todo card.
* @param {{ target: HTMLElement }} event - The event object from the click event
* @returns {void}
const handleOutsideClick = ({ target }) => {
if (!stateChangeMenu.contains(target)) {
document.removeEventListener("click", handleOutsideClick);
todoCard.onclick = () => openTodoModal(todoIndex);
currentlyOpenMenu = null;
document.addEventListener("click", handleOutsideClick);
* Updates a todo in the global todos array and patches the todos object in the Firebase Realtime Database.
* @param {string} state - The new state of the todo.
* @returns {Promise<void>} - A promise that resolves when the update is complete.
async function updateTodo(state) {
globalTodos[currentlyDraggedElement].state = state;
const todosObject = arrayToObject(globalTodos);
const response = await updateTodosInFirebase("guest", todosObject);
if (response.status === 400) showToastMessage("error", response);
* Deletes the todo at the specified index from the global todos array and
* from the Firebase Realtime Database. If the deletion is successful, a
* toast message is shown. Otherwise, an error is logged to the console.
* @param {number} index - The index of the todo to be deleted.
* @returns {Promise<void>} - A promise that resolves when the deletion is complete.
async function deleteTodo(index) {
const todo = globalTodos[index];
if (!todo) return;
const todoID = `TODO${todo.createdAt}`;
const response = await deleteTodosInFirebase("guest", todoID);
globalTodos.splice(index, 1);
if (response.ok) showToastMessage("todoDeleted", response);
else showToastMessage("error", response);
* Opens the big card modal in view mode for the todo item at the given index.
* This will populate the big card modal with the todo item's information and
* make the modal visible.
* @param {number} index - The index of the todo item in the globalTodos array
* @returns {void}
function openTodoModal(index, isFromEdit = false) {
const currentTodo = globalTodos[index];
const renderContainer = document.getElementById("big-card-modal-background");
renderContainer.innerHTML = getTaskCardBigTemplate(currentTodo, index);
const bigCardModalBackground = document.getElementById("big-card-modal-background");
document.body.style.overflow = "hidden";
if (!isFromEdit) applyCardAnimation("slide-in");
selectedOptions.length = 0;
* Applies the given animation to the big card modal content element.
* @param {string} animationType - The type of animation to apply.
function applyCardAnimation(animationType) {
const modalContent = document.getElementById("big-card-modal") || document.getElementById("closeEditContainer");
modalContent.style.animation = `${animationType} 0.3s ease-out forwards`;
* Opens the big card modal in edit view for the todo item at the given index.
* This will populate the big card modal with the todo item's information and
* highlight the currently selected priority.
* @param {number} index - The index of the todo item in the globalTodos array
* @returns {void}
function openTodoModalEdit(index) {
const currentTodo = globalTodos[index];
const renderContainer = document.getElementById("big-card-modal-background");
renderContainer.innerHTML = getTaskCardBigEditTemplate(currentTodo, index);
const prioritySelects = document.querySelectorAll(".bc-prio-select");
prioritySelects.forEach((select) => select.classList.remove("active"));
switch (currentTodo.priority) {
case "high":
case "medium":
case "low":
* Toggles the big card modal's visibility and animation based on the overflow state
* of the body. If the body is set to "hidden", the big card modal is displayed and
* the body is set to "auto", otherwise the big card modal is hidden and the body
* is set to "hidden".
* @param {number} index - The index of the todo item in the globalTodos array
* @returns {void}
function toggleTodoModal(index) {
document.body.style.overflow = document.body.style.overflow === "hidden" ? "auto" : "hidden";
const bigCardModalBackground = document.getElementById("big-card-modal-background");
if (!bigCardModalBackground) return;
const closeEditContainer = bigCardModalBackground.querySelector("#closeEditContainer");
if (closeEditContainer) openTodoModal(index);
else {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300);
* Saves the changes made to a todo item in the big card modal and updates the
* corresponding element in the globalTodos array. After saving the changes, the
* big card modal is closed and the board is re-rendered.
* @param {number} index - The index of the todo item in the globalTodos array
* @returns {Promise<void>} - Resolves when the save operation is complete
async function saveEditedTodo(index) {
const todo = globalTodos[index];
if (!todo) return;
const { title, description, dueDate, selectedPriority, assignedMembers } = getFormData(
if (!validateTodoForm()) return;
Object.assign(todo, { title, description, date: dueDate, priority: selectedPriority, subTasks, assignedMembers });
try {
const response = await updateTodosInFirebase("guest", arrayToObject(globalTodos));
const messageType = response.ok ? "todoUpdated" : "error";
showToastMessage(messageType, response);
} catch (error) {
showToastMessage("error", error);
openTodoModal(index, true);
selectedOptions.length = 0;
subTasks = {};
* Deletes a task card from the board and updates the UI.
* This function deletes a task card at the specified index from the global todos array,
* closes the task card modal, clears all columns on the board, and re-renders
* the remaining todos and placeholder elements.
* @param {number} index - The index of the task card to be deleted.
* @returns {Promise<void>} - A promise that resolves when the deletion and UI update are complete.
async function deleteTaskCard(index) {
await deleteTodo(index);